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Explore Our Festive Christmas Collection! 🎄✨ Discover Magical Deals, Seasonal Delights, and Gifts that Sparkle. Make This Holiday Unforgettable with American Author House! 🎁🌟 #CelebrateTheSeason #ChristmasMagic"

Explore Our Festive Christmas Collection! 🎄✨ Discover Magical Deals, Seasonal Delights, and Gifts that Sparkle. Make This Holiday Unforgettable with American Author House! 🎁🌟 #CelebrateTheSeason #ChristmasMagic"

100% error free Proofreading services

Our proofreaders have a keen eye for details. No typo, no error, and no mistake can escape their perusing lens.

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We have industry's best proofreaders on board

We have a team of professional, qualified, native English speaking proofreaders on board. We charge a flat rate per thousand words and depending on the length of the manuscripts, return the edited and proofread draft within two weeks max.

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You can make it to the best-selling titles by getting American Author House’ editing, and publishing solutions

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Bestselling Book Cover Design Example 2
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The Book Masters Your Way

Our excellence in experts stems from our unique and client-centric approach.

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    • Researching and outlining a draft
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We are here for you. Hire one of our experts and make your dream book come to life.

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Why Choose American Author House?

There can be a number of reasons making hurdles between you and your dream.

  • Researching and outlining a draft
  • American Author House genuine content based on your idea
  • Thorough editing to guarantee the text is error free
  • Critical review and proofreading
  • Formatting and typesetting for publication
  • Branding and marketing your book worldwide
  • Book cover designing, illustration and typesetting
  • E-book publication
  • Audiobooks
  • Video book trailers
  • Web design and Internet SEO
  • Branding and publicity

The Book Masters is your ultimate resource to hire professional experts

We bring your idea to life in the form of a diligently written and published book. We have a team of professional experts on board specializing in various genres.

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We deliver unparalleled quality at amazing discounted rates.

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You keep 100% of your earnings from your book. We do not charge any royalty commission.

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Secure Ownership

From publishing and copyrights to permission for motion picture adaptation, you reserve all the rights for your book.

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Qualified Experts

We are professional, skilled and well-versed with the intricacies of book writing and publishing process.

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Authentic Research

We understand your requirements and do thorough research to formulate a concise plot scheme and outline.

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Professional Excellence

Our professional experts are skilled, experienced and adept at the fundamentals, rules, & intricacies of book writing.

Premium American Author House ServiceBring your idea to life

I know you have a book idea – that’s why you came to the book masters. But perhaps you haven’t yet put that into words. That doesn’t mean you can’t still leave a literary legacy!

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custom book illustration

Evoking And Enlivening Emotion

It is true when it is said that a picture conveys more than words but the notion of illustration is far greater than static visuals.

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book cover design

Get A Beautifully Designed Custom Book Cover Starting At $499

Don’t sell your book short! Readers naturally reach for attractive, stylish covers, and our book cover designs get your book where it needs to be—in readers’ hands.

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Book Video Trailer

Movie-Quality Book Trailers That Fit Your Budget Starting

Our award-winning designers will create a book trailer precisely tailored to your book and genre.

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